- All children can and deserve to learn – Strengths-based
- Student-centred – “Team student” is made up of Student/Parent/Educator
- Positive in approach
- Student voice is paramount – every discussion and decision must have the student’s voice considered
- VISION is lifelong, and time spent at school can have a huge impact to enable this VISION – the VISION sets the direction of personalised planning
- Open and regular communication underpins effective collaboration
- Collaboration is integrated into teacher and school practices and procedures
- Trial and error, and regular review, is inherent in the design
- School life and home life are always intertwined
- The parent/teacher relationship is equitable, valued and honoured.
This framework was researched, developed and designed by educators and parents, with the support of the NSW Department of Education in partnership with Family Advocacy. We have taken their valuable input, understandings and words, to create general thinking and talking points to stimulate your own collaborative conversations and engagement.
We refer to educators and parents throughout the framework. They are the NSW educators and parents of students with disability who have experienced quality student-centred collaborations, who participated in the research, and have contributed to the co-creation of this framework.
In 2016 the NSW audit office recommended that The Department of Education provide additional guidance for schools and parents to strengthen their understanding of what effective consultation looks like when supporting a student with disability.
Evaluations from Family Advocacy’s National Symposium on Inclusive Education (November 2017), highlighted the need for:
- Understanding of school processes for family involvement/input
- More clarity around what inclusion really looks like
- Opportunities to learn from others, and prepare for meetings and discussions with school staff
- Resources for families to share with schools.
- Change the model from parental involvement to collaborative engagement; from information given by each, to information sought from each other, before decisions are made.
- Build capacity in parents and educators’ communication and change strategies – to bridge the distance by fully understanding what each other is trying to achieve for the student. Therefore moving from the parent’s desires and the school’s desires, to a joint process between parents and educators, centred around the student.
- Develop respectful, collaborative student-centred relationships where each can relate and understand one another, to be able to walk in the other person’s shoes.
- Offer stimulus to promote and support discussion where understanding of each other’s perspective is required, and when decisions need to be made.
- Provide appropriate scaffolding to assist parents and educators in their understanding of what inclusion is, why it is important, and how it can come about.
A Key indicator of successful inclusive schooling is where there are strong parent/teacher partnerships. This is documented in a survey by Jackson and Wills (2014) where Australian teachers rated partnerships with parents as the single most important factor to successful inclusion. This is also supported through the evaluations from educators and parents conducted extensively across NSW from events by Family Advocacy.
Case studies conducted in a Harvard graduate school of education research by Hehir et al (2016) determined that ‘Factors such as strong leadership and parent involvement also contribute to the academic success of these three schools.’ In their conclusion the researchers state a coordinated approach to fostering inclusion is necessary and that ‘Parents also need to be included as important partners in their children’s education to help assure the best outcomes’.
Parents and teachers who co-designed the framework both highlighted the importance of two-way communication between educator and student, focusing on the student voice. In this regard, the NSW Department of Education recognises the research of John Hattie’s (2012) sharing new pedagogies where the educator has a new role as activator, including educator-student relationship, reciprocal teaching, and feedback.
Teacher magazine (2017) explores the pedagogy of feedback further, citing Hattie (2008): ‘the best feedback will be adapted to the pre-existing beliefs of individual students. This can be aided by the feedback that flows from the student to teacher in communicating needs, strengths and weaknesses, and informing what the teacher can best do to impact learning’. Hattie & Timperley (2007) also state that feedback can stimulate the equivalent of almost three years’ growth (1.10effect size).
Research Behind the Framework:
Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007), The Power of Feedback, Review of Educational Research, 77(1) http://www.jstor.org/stable/4624888
Hattie, J. (2008), Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge, London, UK.
Hattie, J. (2012), Visible learning for teachers, Routledge, London, UK.
Hehir, T., Grindal T., Freeman, B., Lamoreau, R., Borquaye, Y., Burke, S., A Summary of the evidence on Inclusive Education. Instituto Alana in partnership with Abt Assoc., Harvard Graduate School of Education (p.11), https://alana.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/A_Summary_of_the_evidence_on_inclusive_education.pdf
Jackson R., & Wills, D., (2014), What Australian teachers and other professionals think about inclusion and what works best, Interaction, v28/2/’14
Morris J. , Mandouit L, Rens N. , Smith T. (2007), Feedback to support lifelong learning, Teacher Magazine, May 7, 2017, https://www.teachermagazine.com/au_en/articles/feedback-to-support-lifelong-learning
The Education Endowment Foundation, Feedback, Evidence for Learning website, viewed December 2021, https://www.evidenceforlearning.org.au/the-toolkits/the-teaching-and-learning-toolkit/all-approaches/feedback/
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Module 2:
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Module 3:
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Module 4:
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Module 5:
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Module 6:
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Module 7:
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Module 8:
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Module 9:
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